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How to unify the image with a plain shirt

1.       Open a blank shirts image in photoshop. Press Ctrl + O on the keyboard and then select the image file is empty shirt that you have prepared.

2.       Open the image file you want to paste into the empty shirt. Press Ctrl + O on the keyboard and then select the image file. Keep your image that has a transparent background (not background with white) see example below.

3.       Insert images into layers using a T-shirt with the move tool (V), Now we have two layers.

4.       Now duplicate the background layer by pressing Ctrl + j. Then select the menu Image> Adjustment> Levels. Set its levels as shown below.

5.       Then change the background copy layer blending mode into multiply.
6.       Now select the layer 1 and press Ctrl [ for the image to be under the background layer copy.

7.       Change the layer 1 blending mode to Overlay. Well look no further ingrained? The answer in the comments of this article: D

8.       Selanjutnya pilih menu filter > Blur > Gaussian blur. atur seperti gambar dibawah ini

9.       Next duplicate the layer 1 and name the layer 2 look at this picture. Woow increasingly integrated course J

10.   Change the blending mode to Overlay layer 2 and give it a value Fill 80%

11.   This is the end result. Good openings?  J
                 -- Before --                                                             -- After --


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